Spartan Races

If you follow me on Instagram you probably will notice that I am very much into fitness and a healthy lifestyle. One of the ways that I keep myself motivated to keep improving and going it to sign up for different types of races whether it be a 5K, a half marathon, or a Spartan Race. I am always looking for new ways to push myself.
Over the weekend I completed my second Spartan Race. This one was a little more difficult than the first one because it was 8.8 miles instead of 4.6 miles and it had 28 obstacles instead of 20 obstacles. You are probably thinking you are crazy why do you pay to do this to yourself? don't worry you aren't the first one to ask this question. I get this question from my family every time I sign up to do something crazy like this. The truth is they are actually a lot of fun and they really show me how strong I truly am.
The obstacles which can range from simply just hoping over hurtle to carrying a 40-50 pound sandbag up to the top of a Speedway and back down can be challenging, but the feeling your get after accomplishing each task is something that I cannot even put into words. When I did my first one I actually felt very defeated because I didn't do as well as I wanted to, but that didn't stop me from doing another Spartan. I signed up for the Michigan Super in hopes that some how I would do enough training in time to do better and would you believe it I DID! When I jumped over that fire and crossed the finish line I had tears in my eyes because I was so proud of how well I had just done.
Now, I know you are probably thinking that I do all of these races for myself and while that is a part of it. A huge part of it is to try and encourage and show others that they can do a whole lot more than they really ever dreamed of. If you told me even a year ago that I would be doing 2 Spartan races in a 3 month time span and that I would actually do better on the harder one I would have never believed you, but with the motivation from my husband and a God who is always comes through for me I did just that.
What are some ways that you hope to inspire others?

Colossians 3:16 "Let the message of Christ dwell amoung you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your heart"