A Trip of a Lifetime to Disney

Many of you are probably thinking Disney what's the big deal besides that it is the happiness place on Earth. However, my recent trip to Disney not only confirmed that Disney is the happiest place ever, but it also opened my eyes to so many things.
1. If you have a dream or in this case a wish you can make it happen: Once I got back from Disney I did my research on Walt Disney because of course I am a learner and want to know all about where I have just been. Walt Disney started off with just a simple TV show and turned it into the second largest media conglomerate in terms of revenue. To me this is very encouraging because if you take something small and really put a lot of hard work into it then you can make anything happen.
2. You are never too old to go to Disney: People probably never really think about going to Disney as an adult. I fell into that mindset for a while, but after going to Disney twice since being an adult, I quickly changed my mind. Not only in Epcot can you do more, but you just appreciate all the cool things Disney has to offer as an adult. My suggestion is to go at least once before you decide to have children. Now don't get me wrong I am very excited to take my children whenever I have them and they are old enough to appreciate it, but going as an adult is just as magical.
3. Disney seriously is the happiest place on Earth: When we got back from Disney my husband and I suffered from what my husband called "Post Disney Depression". All we wanted to do was go back and spend more time at the parks. We love our lives here, but being at Disney you are surrounded by people who are happy all the time. All the cast members are always happy and there to assist you which is amazing. The parks themselves just have so much to offer and they bring back so many memories of when you were child. It is just an all around great time.
While many of you probably still aren't convinced that a trip to Disney can change your mindset. It did for me. I want to pursue my dreams even more now and I can't wait to take my children to Disney one day so that they can experience the magic.