How Create the Perfect Picture Collage
If you have noticed wall collages are becoming a big thing in home decor. You maybe thinking oh I really love how wall collages look, but I just don't even know where to start and it has to be expensive. I want to give you tips that will not only help you figure out how to make the perfect collage, but also do it relatively inexpensive.
1. Figure out what wall you would like to use: this is the most important step because it will determine what you get for your and how the end project will turn out.

2. Pin Away: The first thing I always do when starting a new wall collage is look at Pinterest. This is a good starting pointing to figure out what you will need to get for your wall collage. It allows you to see what other people are doing. Now I will advise to not get everything that is in a pin, but to use it as a guide. After all you want your wall collage to be your own.
3. Start to collect items: Once you have found a pin you really like start to collect items that you believe go together and will work for the wall you have picked. Don't feel like you have to get everything at once. The nice thing about a wall collage is that you can continue to add to it depending on the wall size. Also, try and find deals a lot of times you can get cute quotes and decorative letters at TJ Maxx, Home Goods, etc. Don't feel like everything has to be expensive. Find the deals and take advantage of them.
4. Start to lay it out: Once you get enough of your items lay them out on the floor like you would hang them up. After you have them how you think you want them take a picture and look at and see if you are happy with how it looks from further away. If you don't like it then move things around. Another tip when laying things out you don't have to have everything mirror each other, that is the great thing about a collage it can have different things on different sides and it doesn't have to line up.
5. Hang the collage: Once you have gotten the layout you want start to hang the collage up. What I normally do is leave it laying out and start from the center and work my way up and then out (if it goes both ways). Once you have hung it up you are done and have created your first collage