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Picking the Best Workout For You

If you are like me then trying to find the best workout that works for me is a challenge. In a previous post I talked about starting a workout plan (you can find that post here). So the question is how do I go about finding that workout that works best for me. You first have to start out with:

What do I like to do? For me this was difficult because when I first started the only real form of exercise that I like was getting on the elliptical and really nothing else, but I love to spend time with others and help them reach their goals.

What are my goals? My goal is to maintain a healthy weight while gaining muscle.

Where do I like to workout? I like to workout either at home, outside (weather permitting, or at the gym).

Now from these three things helped me somewhat come up with a workout plan. You are probably thinking what do you mean you somewhat came up with a workout plan. I first started really working out when my sister asked me to do a 5K with her. My first thought was you are crazy I hate running, but then I was introduced to the best running app out there, Couch25K. This app helped me start to love running and now today I have ran 2 mini-marathons and countless other 5Ks. So, running was my starting point in working out, but I eventually got a little bored with just running all the time and not really doing anything else. I had watched my husband for a year or so lift and enjoy it. Since part of my goal is to gain muscle I was like I'll try it and if I don't like it then I will find something else. Come to find out after a few short months of lifting I love it now.

Looking back at the three questions you can see how my workouts line up with my goals, what I like to do, and where I would prefer to workout. Sometimes it is a trial and error so don't be afraid to try something new because you never know you might end up loving it.



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