New Year, New You....Right?

Raise your hand if you set a new years resolution this year? I am sure most of you raised your hand because as a culture we are taught that a new year means a new me. Now raise your hand if you are someone who has set new years resolutions and not met those goals? I am sure if you are like me you raised your hand again. We always set these new years resolutions in hope that maybe this year they will stick, but how committed are we to them if we never reach them?
So what are we doing wrong why are we not fully committed to our goals are they not important to us? I believe it's because there a certain aspects of our new years resolutions that may need to be tweaked in order to meet those resolutions.

One of those things is making sure that are goals are realistic. Some of us set goals such as losing 10 pounds in 3 weeks which let's be honest is not realistic or healthy. In order for us reach our resolutions we have to be realistic with ourselves and think of goals that we can meet. If we are not realistic with ourselves then we will give up more easier or even worse we could end up hurting out overall health which is never something we want to do.
We also have to be realistic with ourselves and not get discouraged when we do not see the results we want. Forming habits take 21 days that means that you can't give up when you may slip up on not working out or not spending more time with friends. You have to not be hard on yourself and whatever you do try and stick with it for 21 days after that things will get easier.
Finally, we have to be sure that we do not compare our results with others. We are all made different that's what makes you so special. You are not like you next door neighbor, best friend, or significant other. So, in keeping that in mind we have to look at our own results and not the results as others. It may take you a little longer to reach a certain goal than it does someone else. Remember that there is nothing wrong with you, but you are just different than that other person.
Setting is a great thing to do and I hope that you do not just set goals at the beginning of the year because you should constantly be setting new goals for yourself.