Spice Up Your Workout
Hello Friends!
I don't feel like working out. I'm bored with my workout. I don't see results anymore. Does this describe you? Don't worry it's normal get into ruts, but the thing to keep in mind is to fix it quickly. If you don't then you may give up on working out altogether.
If you are like me you probably have a pretty set workout schedule. Cardio one day, lifting the next. While a schedule is great to have, it can sometimes get boring even worse your body may stop reacting the way it once did. Meaning less results and motivation.
So, how do we get out of this rut? You have to mix it up a little bit! How do you do that you may ask?? Well here are some answers:

Are you someone who loves to do workouts on your own maybe a good run after a long day at work or just putting on your headphones and drowning the world out as you pump up those muscles. If you are then you may consider doing a class put on by your local gym not only do you get to meet new people, but you will learn new moves and your body will start to give you results again.
Do you love all the classes that your gym offers? Maybe you are always the first one in a class
and you have a personal relationship with all the instructors. It's time for you to break out of your class mold and start to do some working out on your own. If you do mostly cardio classes then try lifting some weights. Scared about not knowing how to use a machine...ask! Those big buff guys that may seem intimidating are actually usually pretty nice. If you do mostly strength classes then try and do some cardio maybe that's running or just sitting on a bike for a little while. Any one you chose will mix up you workout.
Are you scared of the gym or don't think you have time to go to the gym? You may love your at home workouts, but there are only so many that you can do. So, instead of doing the same at home workouts start making time for the gym and try either a class or lifting.
You are a runner, a cyclist, an elliptical lover....it's time to change it up. Try lifting a little bit and adding in some yoga classes. Yoga and lifting will help you do better with your cardio because after all it is great to cross train.
Whatever you may be doing right now there is always a solution to switching it up. So don't be afraid get out of that rut and try something new!