Travel Wish List
We all have them. The places that we wish we could go if we just had enough money and time. Mine I feel like goes up on a daily basis, but for now here are the places I would love to travel and why.
Paris: Being into fashion Paris is just always a place I have wanted to go. There fashion is so different than ours in the United States so to just be there an be inspired by their fashion trends would definitely be a bucket list thing for me.

Africa: I know you probably think that I am a little crazy, but ever since high school Africa has just been such an interesting place to me. I would love to go over and just see how much different their culture is compared to ours and also go on a safari.

Australia: I am really not sure why I want to go here so badly. Maybe it's the kangaroos or the accent either way I would love to visit.

Hawaii: My parents have been multiple times (never taken me) and my husband was born there. I just think it sounds like an amazing place to visit.