Making Your House Flow
Hi loves!
Anyone else start to freak out when they finally moved out of their parents' house and got their own place? I did and of course a part of it was I am finally on my own, but a big part of it was holy crap I have this place and it is all my own (and my husbands) and I want to make it look great. If you are also like me you probably had so many things pinned to your home decor board and had very high hopes that those pins would be what your house is going to look like. But you slowly realize that none of it goes together because you just randomly pinned home decor things if you liked it there was no thought of whether it all went together or not. So, how do you combine all of your different taste in home decor and make your house flow? Well, I am going to be honest it is not always easy and this is coming from a girl who in high school had dreams of becoming a interior decorator. Boy am I glad that I decided against that because I get stressed out enough trying to decide for my own house let alone other people's houses. But I am also here to say that there are tips that I can give you in order to make things a little better.
Tip #1: If you have a house that is very open the first thing you need to do is decide on a color scheme. You can't have random colors everywhere in a house where one room leads to another

with no real divider. Even if your house is not as open I would still suggest picking a color scheme. Another helpful hint is that your upstairs and your downstairs do not have to have the same color scheme and in most cases since the bedrooms are what make up the majority of the upstairs you don't have to have a real color scheme for the upstairs.
Tip #2: Pick a type of decor. When I say type of decor I mean traditional, modern, vintage, etc. Now when it comes to the type of decor you don't have to pick just one. My suggestion is to stick to two at the most. If you pick three or more your house will just look off and will mess up the flow. Some types of decor that go good together are traditional and modern or traditional and vintage. Below are some examples if you have questions about what the different types of decor are.

Tip #3: Once you have picked the color scheme and decor type you are ready to start buying things. Always keep in mind your color scheme and decor type when selecting items, you didn't pick these two things for nothing. You may think that you could buy something small that doesn't necessarily fit into the color scheme and decor type, but you would be surprised how a small item like a kitchen towel can throw off the flow if it is not within your color scheme and decor type. Another thing you have to keep in mind is making sure that items actually do look together. I know I said before that two decor types can go together, but that does not mean that every item in each one of those types will go together. I will spend hours in a store looking at pieces and really hoping and praying that they would just go together, but at the end of the day I just have to pick one I like better.
Tip #4: Now this one is just a personal preference, but make sure things are some what symmetrically. When I say that I mean when putting things on a book shelf or a fireplace mantle be sure that the two sides balance each other out. That does not always mean that you have to have the exact items on each side, but just be sure to have the same amount/size things on either side.

Tip #5: Do not combine too many patterns together. I run into this issue a lot because my curtains are patterned so I am very limited on things I can buy sometimes. My rule of thumb is to keep it to two patterns in each room if you do more the room just looks too busy. Also be sure that the patterns look good together. Polka dots and stripes are a good combination, but don't combine quatrefoils with triangles these are two very bold patterns.

So those are the tips that I have for making your home flow. What are some of your tips?
P.S.-Here are just a few of my favorite home decor pieces I have