Being There For Others

Hi Friends!
We live in a world where it is all about me and what we can do to get ahead. When things aren't going well for us we get jealous and start think what did I do wrong. I don't deserve this, but we hardly look beside us at our friends who maybe going through something that is worse than what we are going through. We put on our blinders and just focus on me and not about others, but as Christians we are called to take off the blinders and to be there for others even when it maybe difficult.
This is something that I struggle with everyday. It is not always easy to take off the blinders and see others the way that God sees them and to really be there for them.
So how do we go about really being there for others in a way that we are called to. The first part is getting over the fact that it isn't about you. We have to take off the blinders and see others. If we don't do this then we can't truly be there for others because it will still be about us. Second we have to change our mindset when we spend time with people. Instead of doing all the talking maybe just listen or just sit there in quiet. Sometimes all someone needs is for someone to listen or to just sit with them and know they are not alone. Third we have to be intentional about our interactions with others we can't always look at it as a good time for us. We have to see it as an opportunity to poor our love and the love of God into others. Finally we have to pray for others. We are so used to praying about things that affect us, but we should focus on others and what are affecting them. Pray is a powerful thing and can really help your friend who really needs love.
So instead of us getting up every morning and putting on the blinders we should leave them on the bedside table and go out and love people wholeheartly.
P.S. How have you been there for someone this week?