A Little Positivity

Hi Loves!
We all know we live in a very negative world. We wake up and listen to the news and all the awful things that happened over night and we stop and think to ourselves how can be positive when there is so much bad and negativity in this world. God call us to live above all the negative and see the positive in the world. Here are just some ways that I try and be a more positive person everyday.
1. Start your morning off by praying to God that you will see things in a positive light and not a negative one. This will not only start your morning off talking to God, but you are also making an effort to really change your mindset.
2. Think of 3-5 things that you are thankful for. We complain A LOT, but when we stop to really think about our lives and everything we have we realize that our lives aren't that bad. If we just change the way we look at things then we wouldn't have so much to complain about.
3. Surround yourself with positive people. It really is true what they say. You become like the people you surround yourself with. I have noticed that if I am around more positive people who push me to be better that I actually become more positive. However, the flip side is also true if I am around a lot of people who are negative and like to complain then I find myself doing the same thing.
4. Post positive and uplifting quotes around your house and at you desk at work. I am a huge believer in posting quotes around my house and just surrounding myself with positive self-motivating quotes. I have a sign in my bathroom that says put your positive pants on. This is such a good reminder in the morning to me that I need to think about being positive instead of negative. I also have an agenda that says make today ridiculously amazing. All these small reminders just push me in a positive way.
5. Stop comparing yourself to others. This is where a lot of us struggle. It is so hard sometimes to not compare ourselves to the people around us. It is just a part of us, but it is a part that can destroy us if we are not aware and don't stop it. If we are constantly comparing ourselves to others then we are seeing ourselves in a negative light and that will lead us into more negative thoughts. Instead just focus on what is great about you and what you are doing in your life. When those thoughts about others start to creep in just say a little pray that God will take that away and help you focus on how great you are. God made each on of different for a reason don't think that you are not as special as everyone else.
The biggest advice that I can give you is to really just pray about it. Ask God for a more positive attitude each and everyday and that no matter what happen He will be there for you each and every day.
P.S. What are some ways that you are making sure you are staying positive?