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The Wonderful Wizarding World

Top:Hot Topic|Shoes:Amazon | Shorts:Francesca's (linked a different pair)

Hi Friends!

We are getting so close to summer and I can't wait for those hot days by the pool and vacation. I am a huge believer in taking at least one vacation every year if you can afford it. Last summer my family and I took a trip to Siesta Keys and on the way back we planned to stay a few days in Orlando. Now many of you are probably thinking oh you stopped in Orlando so you could go to Disney....WRONG! (that trip was planned for later in the year). We stopped because if you didn't know I am a Potterhead and I married one so of course we needed to make a quick stop (okay maybe not so quick) to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Now I'm going to let you in on a couple of secrets before this trip I had already been to Harry Potter World once and two I was not a Harry Potter fan really until college (insert disappointment from 90s babies here) and the first trip is really what got me on the Harry Potter train.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter even if you are not a huge Harry Potter fan is an amazing experience. The work and detail that was put into creating this world is absolutely astounding. I have put together some things that are must when you are visiting.

1. Try the Butterbeer. I would maybe suggest only get one or share with someone. The butterbeer is good, but oh so sweet.

2.. Ride the Hogwarts Express. While my husband was really hoping that a little lady with a British accent was going to be pushing a cart around and asking if you would like anything from the trolley it was still a really neat experience.

3. Go to Ollivanders. The wand in my first picture is from there. I did not go into Ollivanders at all the first time I went because the wait to get In was an hour. However, after going in on my second trip I immediately regretted not going in the first time. I would also suggest getting the wand that is interactive.

4. Ride Escape from Gringotts. The wait is well worth it. We waited about an hour, but I would not have wanted to fast pass this one. The detail that was put into the Gringotts bank is amazing. The ride itself is all about well escaping from Gringotts with the help of all your favorite Harry Potter characters.

5. Watch the Dragon blow fire. On top of Gringotts is the Dragon from Deathly Hallows. Now it is random when and how much fire the Dragon will blow, but don't worry you will hear it coming and it is a site to see.

6. Ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. The wait maybe long, but you get to wait inside Hogwarts. How cool is that? The ride takes you through all of your favorite memories through Harry's time at Hogwarts.

7. Eat at Three Broomsticks. All I have to say about it is yum!

Like I said the Wizdaring World of Harry Potter is a must whether you like Harry Potter or not. I am linking some of the other things you could wear to the park.



P.S. What are some trips that you are taking this summer?




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