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How to Train for a Mini Marathon

Fuel Belt: TJ Maxx

Top: Supplied by Indy Mini | Shorts: Target | Shoes: Brooks

Hi Friends!

When you first read the title to this post you probably thought there is no way I could ever run a mini. That was exactly how I felt when my husband was like we are going to run a mini. I legit had a mini break down, but I was determined so I quickly shook off the scared feeling and got to researching. Now by no means am I an expert on training for mini marathons, but after training for two and making some mistakes while training I know a little bit about how to prepare yourself.

1. First you have to sign up for a mini. I have learned you can say you will do something all you want, but it is not until you sign up or put yourself in that situation that you actual do it. So get over that fear and sign up!

2. Find a training plan that fits where you are at running. There are multiple training plans out there. You need to find the one that will work best for where you are at running. If you have never ran before I would suggest starting with couch to 5k before you take on a mini training plan. This will just help you to feel comfortable with running 3 miles. I have linked some different training plans. If none of the plans below look good to you then mix it up and try and create your own. That is what I tried to do since sometimes training depends on how you feel that day or how much time you have.

3. Do not over train. I know that this should be a no brainer, but I found myself over training at times. If you get hurt along the way take a break don't try to get right back out there this will lead to worse injuries that could lead to you not being able to run the mini at all. A key to not over training is to know your limits if you are running and you can feel yourself starting to not feel great and you know physically you cannot finish then don't You don't want to over do it. The biggest concern you should have during training is you and your health.

4. Hydrate right. This is so important and I cannot stress enough that hydration is key the whole time you are training not just the week leading up to the race or on the days you have longer runs. My suggestion is to have a decent sized (16-20 oz) water bottle with you most of the time and to be sure you are drinking at least 2 of those a day. I would also suggest that you get a fuel belt to wear when you are doing your longer runs. On race day you don't have to worry so much about carrying the fuel belt because most races will have hydration stations along the course.

5. Eat right. You probably think I can eat whatever I want because I am running longer and more frequently. But you would be surprised how food can make or break a run. When I am constantly eating junk food and trying to run I find myself less motivated to run and I also feel slower while running. If I have eaten whole food and an apple or banana before my run I fee a lot better and usually will go further than I originally planned. Eating the night before is very important as this will fuel you for the run the next morning. I usually eat pasta with some bread. A lot of times I will skip out on the protein because it takes longer to digest.

6. Cross Train. Cross training can be anything from swimming laps to just going on a bike ride. Some training plans tell you to do this on your off running days. Cross training allows your body to rest a little and gives you more flexibility that will help you run.

7. Rest! This is HUGE. Listen to your body and if it says to take a day off then take a day off. If you don't rest you are making your body more prone to injuries. You should include a rest day in your training schedule. Use this day to just stretch and take it easy. When you are training for a mini you are putting your body through a lot of intense cardio that it may not be used to.

Mini training can be hard, but at the end of it all it is so rewarding. When you cross that finish line you want to cry because all the hard work that you have been putting in finally pays off. So enjoy the training and don't stress out too much!






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