Friday Favs
I can't get over that August is already here and summer is quickly coming to an end. I feel like summer just started and I was looking so forward to my vacation and weekends spent at the beach. Now I am thinking about getting out my fall clothes and going to the orchard. It's crazy how quickly life goes sometimes. However quickly life may go I do try my hardest to enjoy each and everyday and find a favorite part of my day. Here are just a few favorites that I pulled from this week.

Bottoms: TJ Maxx(linked another pair) | Shoes: Brooks Running

Top: Old Navy | Bottoms: Loft | Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Clean by Natalie Grant

What are you most looking forward to during the fall season? What were some of your favorites from this week?

Psalm 105:1 "Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name, make known among the nations what has done."