Apple Watch Review

Top: Under Armour (linked similar) | Leggings: Reebok

Shoes: Brooks

Dress: Forever 21 (similar linked)

Fitbit, Jawbone, Apple Watch...which one should I pick? My first choice was Fitbit, but about a year ago I told my husband that if Fitbit doesn't come out with anything that is better than the Apple Watch then I wanted one for Christmas. We waited until about October before deciding that an Apple Watch was in my near future.
I have had my Apple Watch Series 2 for a little less than a year. I do wear it everyday (I am a watch person). And I absolutely love it.
At first I was a little unsure if I would really like it because it pretty much meant giving up all my other watches which I love watches. I used to collect them until I got my Apple Watch. But as time has gone on I have learned to live with one watch especially because if I ever want to switch it up I can just get a new band on Amazon.
Here are the top things I love about the Apple Watch:
1. The Exercise Part: The Apple Watch can track different exercises from stair stepper to running. If it doesn't have the exercise you are looking for you can just hit other and it still tracks the time and calories you burn. At the end of the workout you can name it and continue to use that one every time you do that exercise.
2. Not having to pull my phone out: Most everything such as text and Instagram notifications show up on my watch. This is perfect for me because I used to be that person who would constantly be pulling out her phone to make sure she didn't miss anything. Now I can just look down and see if the text or phone call I got needs to be returned right away.
3. Waterproof: When I first got the Apple Watch Series 2 I really didn't know how much I would use this feature because I don't swim that often, but it's nice to not have to worry about taken it off when I go swimming or get into the ocean.
Now there are many other things that I love about my Apple Watch Series 2, but these are just the top 3. What type of wearable technology do you prefer?

1 Timothy 4:8 "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come"