Fun Facts About Me

Shop my look:
Top: Loft
Bottoms: Old Navy
Shoes: TJ Maxx (linked similar)
Sunglasses: ILYM (use code (stacey_20 to get 20% off)
You are probably thinking why are you doing an about me post now when you have blogging for a while. Well, there are a couple of reasons. First, I never really did an about me post when I first started blogging. Honestly, I was scared to open up about me which is not fair to you my readers because you come here to get inspiration and if you don't know me then why should you trust my post? Second, I am starting to really rebrand my blog a little bit. Stylings of Stacey will still be about fashion, fitness, faith, and lifestyle. But there will be a lot more inspiration and motivation because that was the purpose of me starting this blog.
So, without further ado here are some fun facts about me.
1. What is your favorite thing about life? My favorite thing about life is that I get to live a life for a pretty amazing God. My faith is very important to me. I am by no means perfect, but I am trying to live everyday for my Lord and Savior. I also love doing life with some amazing people.
2. What is your favorite holiday? My favorite holiday is Christmas. While I am not a fan of the weather around this time of year in the Midwest, I do enjoy the family time and just the joy it brings to everyone.
3. Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have 2 older sisters. I am the baby of the family and I do love it. I don't love it because I supposedly get everything I want, but because I had 2 great role models growing up.
4. Are you married? Yes, I have been married for almost 3 years (October 4th). I met my husband my last semester in college and I knew pretty quickly that this guy was going to be different than any other guys I had dated in the past.
5. Do you have any children? Do dogs count? Haha, we currently do not have any human children, but we do have a 4 year Corgi/Sheltie mixed dog who is very spoiled (she is my first child what do you expect?)
6. What is your favorite shop? Oh, this is a hard one. I have so many places I love to shop. If I had to pick a small and local business I would say Sweet Ms. They have such great core values and very cute and modest clothing. If I had to pick a chain store I would say Old Navy they have very fashionable items at reasonable prices.
7. How tall are you? I am right around 5'2". I come from a very short family.
8. Favorite TV Show? That is probably a tie between Grey's Anatomy and Scandal. I am a huge Shonda Rhimes fan. If you have not checked out her book "The Year of Yes" you definitely should.
9. Were you in a sorority? Yes, I was a sister of Phi Mu Fraternity. If you are in college or getting ready to go to college I would highly suggested joining one. It is such an amazing and fun experience.
10. Favorite place to travel? Well, in states I would say California. We went to San Diego a lot growing up because my parents lived there for a little while after they got married. California it a beautiful place and there is so much to do from hiking to going to the beach you can't have a bad time. Out of the states, I would say Punta Cana. I have only been here once for my honeymoon, but I fell in love with it. It is such a beautiful place and all the people there are so friendly and funny.
For more about me you can check out my about me page here. I hope that you enjoyed getting to know me a little better.

Ephesians 2:8-9 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourself, it is the gift of God not by works, so the no one can boast."