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How to Not Live For Self

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When I originally put this post on the schedule I knew exactly what I was going to say, but as I sit here right now and am starting to type out this post I am struggling a little bit. Not because I want to be selfish, but because I am currently reading a book by Emily Ley that talks about taking care of yourself and giving time to yourself, but her main point is to focus on yourself in order for you to have a full tank so you can fill others up. So as you read these tips please remember to take time to yourself so you don't have an empty tank.

Here are some things that I am trying to do so I am not living for myself.

1. Bring your life and laid it down on the alter. What does this mean? It means that every morning you should pray to God to help you to just lay down your life to Him. Ask Him to come into your life and take control.

2. See people differently. In the current society we live in it is so easy and acceptable for us to judge others and to gossip about them. How differently our world would be if we all would just see people the way God does. This one can be hard, but if you stop and think about their situation and what they might be going through it makes it a little easier.

3. Volunteer some of your free time. You are probably thinking I don't have that much free time how am I supposed to do this. If we are truly honest with ourselves we probably have a lot more free time than we realize. We just fill up with so many different things to keep ourselves busy. Maybe it is time to give up some of your tv time and go help out a homeless shelter or help out at your church or maybe in your community.

There are so many other ways that you cannot live for self, but these are some of the areas of my life where I am very selfish and I am trying to work on. How are you trying to not live for self?


1 Peter 3:8 To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit




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