3 Years of Marriage

Today marks 3 years of marriage to the man of my dreams. In those 3 years we have a lot of fun and difficult times.
A little information about our story. We met my last semester of college through a mutual friend. I thought that he was cute and so nice, but I was not looking for anything, but God had other plans in mind. After we hung out for a month and my friend told me that I would just have to settle for being his friend he asked me out. Our relationship for the most part was long distance because I moved back home and he was finishing his last year of college. After dating for about a year he asked me to marry him and of course I said yes. Fast forward 3 years and we have jobs we love and own our own home.
In 3 years of marriage I have learned a lot about making marriage work. By no mean am I an expert because I am continually learning new things everyday. I thought I would share 3 things to a successful marriage/relationship.
1. Communication: I have learned that my husband is not a mind reader. In order for him to truly know what is going on in my mind and my life I have to talk to him. I can't be scared of what he might think or him getting upset. If you don't communicate you will find yourself in more arguments than necessary.
2. Trust: Trusting your husband/wife means that you have to forget what happened in your pat relationships because this one is completely different. The relationship is much greater and your husband/wife wants what is best for you so they will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens you just have to trust them enough.
3. Continue to make an effort: My husband and I make sure to say I love you everyday. We also make sure that we still make time for each other. Just because you are married doesn't mean you can put your relationship on autopilot. You still have to work at it to make sure things work out. So, if you start to feel like you are growing in your relationship take a break from the business of life and do a date night or have a weekend getaway.
I know that I got very lucky with who I married. He supports me everyday (he takes all my pictures) and loves me so much.
Marriage is one of the best and most fun things in my life, but that doesn't mean that sometimes it isn't hard, but I would not trade being married for anything else.

1 Corinthians 13:4-5: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self- seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."