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Halloween Favorites

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Top: Linked one from Magnolia Boutique (this one is from a small boutique with no website)

Bottoms: Old Navy

I can't believe that Halloween is in just 6 short days. Before we know it Thanksgiving will be here and we will be preparing our black Friday lists. Now I am going to be honest I have never been one that is huge into Halloween. I don't know why, but it has never been a holiday that I really have gotten into. My husband said that maybe when we have kids I will enjoy it more, hopefully that is the case. Although I am not a huge fan of the holiday I still do have some favorites.

1. Seeing Little kids dress up. I think it is so cute to see all the different costumes. Especially over the last few years I feel like parents have really stepped up their game and are more creative with their kid's costume.

2. Carving pumpkins. There is just something that I love about carving pumpkins. It was always my favorite thing that we did around Halloween when I was younger.

3. The candy. Who doesn't love an excuse to eat the candy that you love most. I must admit that in between trick or treaters I will sneak a few pieces of candy.

What are you favorite things about Halloween?


Galatians 3:26 "For you are all sons and daughters of God thourgh faith in Christ Jesus"




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