My Favorite Ab Workout (Pregnancy)

If you follow me on Instagam you know that one of my goals is to continue to workout while pregnant so I can have a healthy pregnancy. I have definitely had to adjust the intensity of my workouts and have even had to give up some of my strength exercises.
One of the big workouts that I have had to change while pregnant is my ab exercises. I learned very quickly that you are not allowed to do any exercises that really work you center abs or you six pack as most people call it. If you overwork them they can actually split in half and you cannot fix this until after the baby comes. I also learned that do oblique exercises was good with help any back pains that I could be facing. So, lately I have been focusing a lot more on my obliques than anything else. Here are just a few of my favorite oblique exercises.
Side Planks // Either on your elbow or hand push yourself off one side. Stack your legs on top of each other. You can make this easier by putting one knee down. To increase the intensity lift the top leg up.
Spidermans // This is very similar to a regular plank, but instead of keeping your legs back you actually move them. You will bend one knee at a time towards you elbow. Take this exercise slow at first as you should be focusing on form over speed.
Side Bend // This one is nice because you do it standing up. Just use a light weight and bend over to one side and then pull up.
Side Jackknife // You will want to be laying on your side for this one. Bend your knees on top of each other. Put your hand behind your head and bring your knees towards your elbow.
To find more of my favorite ab exercises check out my ab Pinerest board. What are some of your favorite ab workouts?