Slay Your Goals Planner

If you know one thing about me is that I am all about setting goals. However, sometimes I find it difficult to reach those goals because I don't have a great plan to reach those goals. Does anyone else fall into this category?
If you do, don't worry. I have the solution for you. Last November I started using the Slay Your Goals Planner.

Before we go any further I want to let you know that there are some affiliate links in this post. This means that I will make a small commission off if you click the link and buy.
Now that we have that out of the way. I can tell you all about my success with Slay Your Goals Planner. This is not your typical planner. It is a planner that actually helps you reach your goals. My goal was to grow my Instagram (something I am still working on).
This step by step planner starts with setting your intentions and ends with reviewing your goals. Slay Your Goals Planner is just what it says. It helps you to slay your goals by getting you organized. It helps you to see why you haven't reached your goals in the past. This may have to do with not being organized enough or setting bigger goals without having steps on how to get there.

My overall goal was growing my Instagram following. When I sat down to fill out my Slay Your Goal Planner, I first realized I needed to be more specific. So, my goal changed to growing my Instagram following by 300 in the next 2 months.
I truly believe the thing that has helped me keep on track of reaching my goal is setting not just setting one goal, but setting mini goals through out the weeks and months that help me to accomplish my bigger goals.

For example with my overall goal was to grow my Instagram following. This is a very overarching goal. Slay Your Goals Planner helped me to set smaller obtainable goals per week and month. This helped me to not get bogged down by doing everything all at once. It also helped to reflect every month to see how I was coming on my goal and how I could make adjustments based on what I learned over the last month.
It's not too late for you to start setting goals for yourself. If you are truly serious about reaching your goals then you should invest in the Slay Your Goals Planner. It really will change the way you reach each and every goal. Click here to get yours today.
The Slay Your Goal Planner is not the only thing you can get. Here are some other great tools
So get going on your goals already!