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Organizing Your Closet

Your closet may look like a hot mess express and you maybe like the rest of us and keep saying you are going to organize it. But in all honesty organizing your closet is a huge task and one that many of us do not like to do.

You may find it weird, but organizing my closet is one of my favorite things to do. I feel so accomplished after I get it done. So how do I organize my closet you may ask? Here are the steps that I take.

Step 1: Take everything out of my closet// This will make your room a mess, but it is best to get everything out where you can see it.

Step 2: Go through all my clothes// These is a hard step for me because I am one of those well I could wear this in a couple of months. However, I strongly suggest you take those type of items out of your closet and put it somewhere else. If you do not miss it within a month or so then toss it.

Step 3: Put Everything Back In Your Closet// This step is a little more in-depth because if you put your clothes back where they were you closet will still be a mess. My suggestion is to color coordinate your closet. This is what I do and it is so much easier to do. If you want to get really crazy (aka just like me) then you can sort your colors by sleeve length. I go sleeveless to long sleeve. I also don't hang my dresses with the rest of my clothes. I color coordinate them in another area.

Step 4: Folding Clothes// There are some clothes that are in my closet that are folded on a shelf. You may ask why. I do this because they are nicer shirts, but if they are hung up they get stretched out.

We will save how to organize your shoes for another time. I haven't quite figured that one out.






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