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5 Life Favorites

I want to say that February flew by, but with feeling like I have been pregnant forever and some other bumps in the road I am happy to say goodbye to February. With the end of February comes with a little more stress than I would like. If you know me you know that I am a huge planner and I am not a procrastinator. When you are pregnant these are two things you do not want to be. I have come to realize that there is only so much planning that I can do. A lot of it is done day of and I have to be okay with that. I also have to be okay with whatever happens on that day God is in control. When it comes to procrastination its not in my vocabulary. However, when it comes to this pregnancy everyone keeps telling me oh you have time (I HATE THESE WORDS). I don't know who they think they are but I have less than 3 months to make sure the nursery is somewhat done and that my husband and I are as prepared as possible. Neither one of these things have really happened. Thankful I have things going on in life that have help me to relax a little bit. Here are are just some things in life that I am enjoying right now.

Spending Time Outside Shopping// If you saw my Instagram you saw that on Sunday I was able to get out of the house and spend time outside and go shopping. I love spending time outside especially when it involves shopping.

Slide On Shoes// I have come to hate any shoe that requires me to tie or pull really hard to put them. Slide on shoes are the best thing know to pregnant women. The last thing I want to do right now is bend over at all. Here are the ones I am wearing the picture. Here, here, and here are a few of my other favorites.

Ellen Game of Games// This game show is so funny. If you have not checked it out you definitely should. It is on NBC on Tuesday nights at 8 EST.

Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley// This book has helped to get through a lot of my stressful days/night. t talks about how your life doesn't need to be Pinterest perfect and you have to give yourself some grace. You can find the book here.

Baby Kicks// Okay, so I'll admit these aren't always the most pleasant but it reminds me of the blessing growing inside me. This little man is going to be a soccer player or something because he is constantly moving. The tech who did our 20 week ultrasound said he was going to be crazy and I think she maybe right.

What are things getting you through life right now?






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