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My Pregnancy Journey: The 2nd Trimester

20 Weeks

24 Weeks

26 Weeks

I have tried not to overload you all with my pregnancy. That is why I am only doing post by trimester. I have also realized that the further and further along you get the more and more it takes over your life. Like seriously sometimes it is all I can think about and the more your grow the more it takes a toll on your body.

My 2nd trimester was a very emotional roller coaster for me. One of the highs for me was for the most part I had more energy. This was a huge plus for me. During my 1st trimester I did not want to do anything, but lay around. The 2nd trimester I was constantly wanting to do something most days. My husband hated this because all he wanted me to do was rest. Who has time for that? I have a baby to prepare for.

While I was happy to have more energy, one of the downsides of the 2nd trimester is that my stomach finally popped. Don't get me wrong I was very happy to start to have a little belly. Having a belly gives me comfort knowing that more than likely the baby is still alive in there (one of my biggest worry this whole pregnancy). However, I have never had a belly so this was a huge adjustment to me. I was not sure how to dress or how to really deal with it. It didn't help that when I did start to show my dad being the nice man he is told my mom at one point that I was getting fat. I almost cried, which I think he could tell because he followed that right up with I mean you are starting to show a little bit of a baby bump (thanks dad).

Like I mentioned I struggled at first figuring out exactly what to wear. I am a huge believer in trying to make your own clothes work during pregnancy if you can. I don't want to spend a lot of money on clothes that I will only wear for a little over 3 months (maybe). However, when I started trying on my clothes I would automatically see my belly and while cute it was not something I was used to. So, I had to constantly pray that God would just help me to accept my changing body and know that it is what's best for my little boy. Over time this started to happen and I became more comfortable in my own skin and clothes. I did wear a few maternity items (most of which were given to me). I would suggest to skip the maternity clothes and just get more flowy tops or just size up. I got a few plain tops that were mediums which seemed to work. The mediums may be a little big after I give birth, but I am sure I can figure out how to make them work.

I felt like my first trimester flew right on by, but the second trimester felt like it was never going to end. I was in that stage of it was cool to feel the baby move and know he was growing in there, but I was getting impatient because I am so ready to meet this little boy.

Through this whole pregnancy I have constantly been praying about having a healthy pregnancy and child. I have realized that I truly have to rely on God to get me through this whole process because everything is changing.






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