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Life Update: Dealing With Change

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If you are like me you live a pretty normal and simple life. You get up every morning and have a routine that you follow and if anything changes that routine your whole morning or day seems off. Like most people, I do not handle change very well. I get so stressed out and worry about every little thing when change is coming. Well, life lately has been throwing a lot of changes at me. While some of these changes are good and something that I have been praying about, other changes are not so great.

Here is a little life update for you. In February of last year, I found out the company I work for got bought. This bought on stress for me, but I told myself that I was going to stick it out and see what happened. Fast forward to August and I find out there are going to be layoffs. Que HUGE freak out. I have never worked for a company that has done layoffs so this whole experience was new to me. Again, I prayed about it and decided that I would update my resume and apply for jobs that I thought I would absolutely love. Halfway through September, I found out that some of my team would get laid off at the end of September and some would get laid off at the end of December. Thankfully for me I was not going to get laid off until March of 2018. While my stress was still a little high, I relaxed a little knowing that I had some time to figure out exactly what I wanted to do. October hit and the next thing I know is I am pregnant. You are probably thinking that I really started to freak out now, but I actually felt more relief. You might be asking why. Here is your answer.....I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom when the time came. I was actually very thankful to get pregnant when I did because it meant I would have a couple of months to prepare for the baby after losing my job and then stay home after the baby came. So, come this Friday, I will be staying home full time.

You are probably wondering how I stayed so calm through all of these big life changes and what I am going to do next. When it came to staying calm a big thing I kept telling myself is that God works all things together for my good. This gave me such comfort. I knew that even though I was losing my job, God had a bigger plan for my life and this was just a part of that plan. I have been praying constantly to God about this transition and that He will help my husband and I through this transition. If I didn't have God in my life then I probably would have broken down and thought the world was coming to end. However, He has to show me more and more of His plan through all of this change.

What is next for me? Well, I will stay at home and get things ready for the baby and try and prepare myself the best I can to become a mom. I will also be doing some freelance marketing and copywriting work. What I am most excited about is getting to focus more on Stylings of Stacey. For the longest time I have felt like I don't work hard enough on content and really connecting with my followers. Some come next Monday I will start to really develop Stylings of Stacey more.

I know that was a lot but it is something that has been on my heart and really felt I needed to share with all of you.

How do you handle change? Do you look to God for answers and peace?






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