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Faith Favorites

It was hard for me to get motivation to go to work this week due to my current circumstance. If you are wondering what I am talking about check out my previous post here. It didn't help that the weather here is still cold (over it). Is anyone having nice warm weather yet? I am definitely ready for spring and spring fashion to get here. Spring is the perfect time of year because you can wear skirts and dresses and not get too hot. Spring will also be very special for me this year because we will welcome our first child. Spring also reminds me so much of God and His beauty. I don't know if it is all the pretty colors or seeing all the new baby animals, but I just see God so much in creation during the spring time. My faith is definitely one thing that I have been working hard at. I don't want to be ashamed of what I believe or scared of what people might think. Thankfully, I have had some tools lately that have lead me to step out in faith more. Here are just a few of things that are currently in my faith tool box.

100 Days to Brave// I cannot tell you how much calmer I feel after doing each devotion in this book. This book has challenged me in ways that I really needed to be challenged. It involves list making (YES PLEASE!) and so many other great to dos. You can find the book here.

You Make Me Brave// There maybe a brave theme here. This song reminds me that God is always there. Even when He calls me out of my comfort zone, He is there ready to help me through it all.

Praying in the Morning// I always try to start my day with pray. It always helps me to get my mind right. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I start to pray to God. I ask Him to be with me throughout the day and to make me more like Christ and less like the world. Guess what? He shows up everyday and helps me get through even the hardest days.

What are some of your favorite faith tools?






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