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Pregnancy and Faith

I know that it has been a few weeks since I have posted anything. The thing is I have been busy getting ready for our little blessing to arrive. Once I hit 36 weeks, I wasn’t sure when he would decide to come. I have tried to be patient in awaiting his arrival but it has not been easy. Being patient about his arrival has really put my faith to the test. This is not the first time through this pregnancy that my faith has really been tested. Through out my whole pregnancy I have truly learned how to trust God and not be such a control freak. This has been hard but good for me.

The first time, I really felt my faith test was when I first found out I was pregnant and then finding out that I had to wait a few weeks before going to the doctor to confirm my pregnancy. These few weeks were rough. I remember praying constantly that we would not lose the baby and that I would just trust God to be there no matter how everything turned out. Of course my prayers were answered at that first appointment when I heard that sweet heartbeat for the first time. However, I still was worried about losing our sweet baby so the prayers and the trust in God continued.

The second time I remember my faith really being tested is when I started to gain weight and show. If you don't know I have always been smaller and very into staying healthy and fit. So when I started to see the numbers on the scale and my belly started to grow, I freaked out. Again, I went straight to my knees and prayed to God that I would accept my changing body as it was necessary for our little baby boy. As the pregnancy has gone on, I have seen God tell me that everything is okay and that even though my body may look bigger and different, it is stronger than it ever has been before. I also had to trust in Him to keep me going to have the energy to workout and to also know when to rest and not push myself.

The biggest time though my faith has been tested is the last few weeks. Once I hit 37 weeks, it seemed like this pregnancy got a whole lot harder. I became a lot more emotionally and I just wanted to be done. I would pray every night to God that this would be the night I would go into labor. I know what you medical professionals are probably thinking, 40 weeks is best. I know this but I was at my breaking point. My body hurt every day and I had no energy to do anything. I also started to freak out because I was worried about how I was going to do as a mom. After all there is no perfect handbook for becoming a parent. As these weeks have gone on, I have continued to pray. I am still struggling with the fact that our sweet little boy isn't here yet but as each day goes on, I am trusting in God's plan more and know that He will make Landon come when in His time and not mine.

I truly believe that this pregnancy had made my faith stronger and I know after Landon gets here, my faith will continue to grow because I know how much I will pray about my husband and I being good Christian parents and pray for Landon.

Have you ever gone through something where your faith was tested but became stronger because of it?






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