Fitness Friday: Fast Pace Back and Bicep

How has your fitness been this week? Have you been reaching your goals? I know that I have done a lot better this week with working out. So far, I have gotten in some sort of exercise whether it be just a walk everyday. That is something that I want to ingrain into your mind, that working out or getting exercise doesn't always mean going all out. It can be as simple as going for a walk around the neighborhood. Shoot, that is what I did through most of my pregnancy and only ended up gaining about 18 pounds. While some days just consisted of walking, there were other days that I went all out with lifting.
Something happened this week, I really got the motivation to start lifting heavy again. I don't know where it came from, I wish I knew so I could share it with you all, but I have no idea. It could have been me getting tired of feeling tired all the time or it could have been looking in the mirror and not seeing the muscles that I wanted to see. One key factor I think is that I got on the scale this week. I NEVER get on the scale, if you saw my Instagram post earlier this week, you saw that my weight had actually gone down. You are probably saying, Stacey isn't that what you want. To that I would say absolutely not. In my case, I know that a drop in weight means a drop in muscle. I was not happy about this. So, I got out there and did this little fast pace back and bicep workout.
Warm up:
Jumping Jacks (25)
Air Squats (15)
Jumping Jacks(25)
Air Squats (15)
Jumping Jacks(25)
Air Squats (15)
Set 1
Deadlifts (10)
Burpees (10)
Deadlifts (10)
Burpees (10)
Deadlifts (10)
Burpees (10)
Set 2
Bicep Curls(10)
Jump Rope (50)
Bicep Curls(10)
Jump Rope (50)
Bicep Curls (10)
Jump Rope (50)
Set 3
Flys (10)
Push Ups (10)
Flys (10)
Push Ups (10)
Flys (10)
Push Ups (10)
Set 4
Bicep Curls with Over Head Press (10)
Russian Twist (30)
Bicep Curls with Over Head Press (10)
Russian Twist (30)
Bicep Curls with Over Head Press (10)
Russian Twist (30)
Set 5
Tap Shoulder Plank (15)
Leg Raises (10)
Tap Shoulder Plank (15)
Leg Raises (10)
Tap Shoulder Plank (15)
Leg Raises (10)