My Pregnancy Journey: The 1st Trimester

We truly are trading in our silent and relaxing nights for one of the greatest blessings God could have given us. Before I really get into my pregnancy and my journey this far I wanted to take a minute and just say I do feel very blessed that I did not struggle to get pregnant and so far I have had a healthy pregnancy. I know many women struggle to get pregnant and have dealt with losing a baby. I truly do pray for your healing and comfort everyday.
Now to start diving in. Whenever we have told people about our little blessing we get 3 questions. I thought I would start off by answering those questions to get them out of the way.
Were you trying?
Yes, we were trying to get pregnant. This pregnancy is very much a wanted one and one that we have been praying about since we first started trying.
Do you want a boy or a girl?
This answer may sound cliche, but it is honestly the truth. We just want a happy and healthy baby. As far as gender we honestly do not have preference either way. In our hearts we know that God will provide us with whatever gender He thinks is best.
When are you due?
My official due date is May 29th, 2018. I know that this is more than likely not going to happen. Babies have minds of their own and they will come when they want. Our luck this baby will be stubborn just like mom and dad.
Finding out and the 1st Trimester
I should have known pretty quickly that I was pregnant because I was nauseous all the time and I would put buffalo sauce and ranch on like all of my food. I just thought I was going through a weird phase and my acid reflex was just acting up. Little did I know that a couple of weeks later I would be staring at a positive pregnancy test. Once I found out I of course called the doctor the next day to setup my appointment. Here is the first pregnancy shock I had. I thought oh I am pregnant they told me to call as soon as I got a positive test so they will get me in right away. WRONG! They don't bring you into the doctor until you are 8-10 weeks (at this point I was around 4 weeks). My mind was blown, here I had to sit and wait to really confirm I was pregnant for another month. I also had to keep my mouth shut and act like I was feeling great around my family and friends. This was so hard to do because honestly I felt awful, had no energy, and I was hardly working out.
We finally made it to our first appointment and I had all kind of emotions that (hormones are crazy). I wasn't really sure if I should be happy, excited, or nervous. So, all these emotions were hitting me. On top of all of that we were still keeping everything a secret which at this point was really hard because both my husband and I share our location with my parents and sisters. We thought however, we had outsmarted the system and turned off our location for Find Friends on the day of our appointment. Once again, sister (who knew) text me in the middle of our appointment saying that my mom was texting her asking her why my husband and I were both at the hospital (face palm). We just turned both of our phones on airplane mode and continued with our appointment. The coolest part of this appointment was hearing the heartbeat for the first time. I think this is really when it started to get real for both of us (que a little bit of a freak out).
After our appointment we planned on telling my parents that night because let's be honest I couldn't hold it in any longer, but my sister was over at their house all night long so that made us change our plans. We told them the day after our appointment both of them were very excited to add grandchild number 4. After telling them I felt this huge weight off my shoulders, but we still had to tell my other sister and my husband's family.
A week and a half after our first appointment we were on a plane to Vegas (post). Talk about being very stressed out. I was pregnant, tired, packing, and working. I somehow managed to pack and get myself together enough to get on a plane. I was very surprised that my sickness pretty much disappeared when we were in Vegas (bless up!). Everyday though I just felt so exhausted by the end of it. After spending 2 days in Vegas we made the trip to Arizona (where my husband's parents live). The next surprise to the grandparents was coming and I could not wait. We told my husband's parents and grandparents on the night we arrived in Arizona. They could not have been more excited. His parents were very excited to be getting their very first grandchild. By the time we got home from all of this I was pretty much done with my 1st trimester and I was so happy that now everyone in my life knew I was pregnant.
Overall, the first trimester was a very hard time for me. I felt awful and not myself. I pretty much gave up running and lifted very little. Everyday seemed to feel like I had a huge hangover. I did actually get sick a couple of times. To say I was happy to say goodbye to the first trimester maybe an understatement.
We sucked at taking weekly pictures during the first trimester, but I am trying to do better at this now so you can following my growing journey.
